46th Annual Corpus Christi Estate Planning Seminar

Date: Friday, May 3, 2019
Time: 7:30am - 5:00pm
Location: Congressman Solomon P. Ortiz International Center
Speaker: TBD

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Registration Fee: $250 for CCEPC Members; $285 for non-CCEPC members.

Seminar materials only: $75 (subject to availability)

Registration begins at 7:30 a.m. and Program begins at 8:00 a.m.



Michael Gregory - "How to Avoid and What to do if Audited by the IRS"

Tom Hegna - "Don't Worry Retire Happy: Seven Steps to Retirement Security"

Jason T. Mendelsohn - "Life Settlements: Myths and Best Practices"

Joel Crouch - "No, Transfer Tax Auditing/Controversies are Not Going Away in the Era of Higher Exemptions"

Aaron Borden - "Is it Sophisticated Estate and Tax Planning or Criminal Tax Fraud"


(Continuing Education credits received for Attorneys, CPAs, CTFAs, and CFP®s. Insurance Professionals applied for.)

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